
Friday, 27 March 2015


'I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer.

'The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it.'

- Woody Allen

In a country like India where one can find an amalgam of culture, views often clash. If views don't match, you end up calling the other person either 'Shameless' or 'Narrow Minded'. The XX human species are sensitive while the XY human species try to hide their sensitive side. Let me tell you that all the XY species are not same.

In a social experiment, two questions were asked:-

1. Do you think coming in a relationship is necessary to enjoy sexual pleasure?

2. How will you feel when you realize that your wife is virgin?

As expected, views differed. Let us analyse the answers.


A answered: No, it's not necessary. When two of the opposite sex want sex. They can do it without being in a relationship.

B answered: I don't think so for enjoying sexual pleasure, someone needs to come in a relationship. It can be consensual where both of them are compatible and mature enough to understand their needs. And that encounter also doesn't need to bear emotions in future. E.g.- One night stand.

C answered: No, coming in a relationship is not necessary. There are people who enjoy sexual pleasure without even getting into a relationship. They are the people who take sex for fun.

D answered: I think partners should be legally married to get in a physical relationship. It is not required anyway to satisfy physical needs.

E answered: Yes. To make a relationship long lasting, we need trust and enjoying sexual pleasure can be one criteria for trust. But it should be enjoyed under strict rules.

F answered: Relationship is something beyond sexual pleasure. It is where a couple resonates on a single view of being together. If relationship is weighed in terms of sex then it is simply a business of body dealing.

G answered: Well, no. Sex is not the reason you want to be in a relation.


A answered: I'm not a virgin. And I don't expect my wife to be a virgin. I mean it's no compulsion. I can marry someone who's not virgin. What's the big deal? An intact hymen hardly matters. A pure heart does.

B answered: I can't describe the feeling. Okay, of she's a virgin. I will be happy is she is a virgin. In our marriage, then there will be a great opportunity to forge our sexual life in a fresh and exciting manner. If she is a virgin I will feel like the guy who got her. It brings a lot of positive energy in it. It will also bring great confidence.

C answered: Well, I am a pragmatic one, so I won't expect my wife to be a virgin. Even if she isn't a virgin, she won't lose my love and commitment for her in any way. The only thing that I want is that after the marriage, she should only be committed to me. No tale of past should come and affect our marital life in a bad way. But it will be nice to have a wife who is virgin coz that would be the proof of her being a person who has strong values and boundaries. After all if I can be a virgin, then there is also a possibility of her being a virgin too.

D answered: I would rather expect my wife to be a virgin. It's not about being happy to have a virgin partner. A virgin person surely deserves a virgin partner!

E answered: I will be thankful to her for preserving her virginity for someone special! It's like a lifetime gift from a loved one.

F answered: Getting a virgin or a non-virgin wife would matter to those who wants to be dominating. It's our life. The past of my wife would never affect my relationship with her during marriage.

G answered: I seriously don't care whether my wife is a virgin or not.

'Sex without love is hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.' - Hunter S. Thompson.

'Sex is the consolation you have when you can't have love.' - Gabriel Garci-a Marquez.

After analysing the answers we can conclude that:-

Majority of people think that have sex without coming in a relationship is totally okay. It is because relationship is far beyond sex. Love and trust is necessary in a relationship. You can have sex when you are in a relationship but it is not necessary to come in a relationship for having sex.

Most of the men will feel happy when they realize that their wife is virgin. According to them, it will give a fresh boost to the marriage. Having a virgin wife will make them feel special. Many of them also agreed to the fact that the past of their wife won't matter unless it mingles with their married life.

I want to say just one thing to all the girls out there.....
Listen to your own voice, your own soul. Too many people listen to the noise of the world instead of themselves.



  1. If You Talk About Indian Culture It Matters , If You Talk about Me It Doesn't Matters Whether She Is Virgin Or Not .. Last Image Is Quite Interesting "What Ever You Do Make Sure It Makes You Happy" .

  2. If views don't match, you end up calling the other person either 'Shameless' or 'Narrow Minded'. Do you really believe in it??
